Reviews, Random Thoughts, Visions

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Voids

All of our actions, the cause and effect of our daily lives, can be traced to loss. An endless series of voids that we attempt to fill in vain--because nothing, that we cling to in this reality, is permanent. Nothing is absolute. We react to the inevitable loss of these impermanent attachments by seeking others to fill the voids left in their wake. The voids can be filled only temporarily, before we experience loss yet again and must seek out new attachments to take their place. Everything that we cling to as human beings--material objects, places, people, ideas--are placeholders. For those of the past and those yet to come. The pursuit of these placeholders is what defines us. Our actions, our choices.

No one of us dwells for too long in the voids, because there is where we find the death of ourselves.